Sunday, October 4, 2009

Professional Development Plan ~ Reflection

As much as I have had many experiences in my life, the actions may not always speak louder than words. I have performed various tasks and held numerous positions/titles, but when it comes to expressing these feats on paper. The difficulties surface on what words are needed to properly illustrate who you are, what you’re about, and what your intentions are; additionally, having the documentation that will support these words makes a huge difference of just hearsay. This professional development plan has been somewhat of a challenge, but due to my previous encounters of military preparations for supervisory or promotional packets, this portfolio process has been on the same guidelines.

Taking my experiences from my military days and working in the educational field from years ago has made it hard to show what I have done versus just saying what I want to do (i.e. philosophy, beliefs, etc.). It is sometimes better that I had the exposure to these preparations because it gives me the advantage of my organizational skills; however, because I have that as a positive asset, my downfall is the time management skills that still need work on. I do find myself procrastinating compared to actually taking advantage of my time and being pro active. This action (or lack of) does not imply that I want to be that way, but has been due to my medical condition preventing me from working at it constantly or consistently.

I am not this way nor have I been brought up or trained in this manner, but because I am highly medicated, the process gets modified, put aside, or haltered until a later time. What I have learned from this is to take the time that I am okay to do the best I can and get as much done as possible. This is my portfolio, so making excuses, procrastinations, or inabilities will be the only difficulties on why it never gets done. I have planned out a schedule and outline on what gets done and how much effort is needed for this to be accomplished. Being positive is one thing, but I believe that my cockiness has gotten the best of me, which has not made this a project, but has actually caused difficulties to rise as well as bring upon obstacles rather than taking the challenge head on and knocking it out accordingly.

This portfolio is one that will reflect me in more ways than one and to not put more emphasis on what it means instead of just another assignment highlights on what I really need to do in order to buckle down and get the job done. Along with the schedule and outline, I have incorporated some assistance from friends, family, and other educators for double-checks and professional input. I have more time in my life now than I have had in so many years, and I believe that this is also a negative factor for me. I am not used to this and it feels so weird and uncomfortable, which is a possible reason why I don’t have the “fierce” attitude anymore. On the upside, I have come to realize that I have this portfolio to represent the “real” me and need to open up to handling and maintaining the involved tasks at-hand (minor and major). The efforts and challenges may be tedious, difficult, or tiresome, but the rewards will make up for that.

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